Legal Services

Forensic Science, by definition, is the application of scientific principles and techniques to matters of criminal justice especially as relating to the collection examination, and analysis of physical evidence. We are impartial, unbiased and independent. Forensic Science is not based upon emotional or preconceived notions. Most forensic laboratories are law enforcement based, and this can possibly lead to perceived bias. Scientific conclusions, whether certain or inconclusive, are the result of physical evidence proven through science and confirmed by peer review. 

We accept case work in both the civil and criminal arenas. Cases have, and will always be, accepted from the defense, prosecution and plaintiff. 

“Justice cannot be for one side alone, but must be for both.” 

Eleanor Roosevelt

“It is better that 10 guilty persons escape than one innocent suffer.”

William Blackstone 


Firearms & Forensic Services can review, evaluate, interpret and describe what testing has been done for the non-forensic lay person. FFS can also assist attorneys with understanding the details of forensic results so they can better prepare for trial, depositions, or pretrial interviews.

  • Critical audit of documentation, collections, procedures and processes surrounding the crime scene.
  • Perform an independent casework review of any forensic work previously undertaken to ensure that the results are robust, reliable and have been appropriately reported.
  • Evaluate work to date against any updated scientific approaches or policies to determine if the case would be reported in a similar manner today.
  • Conduct an independent pre-trial review to identify any potential scientific shortcomings in advance of trial.
  • Conduct an independent review to corroborate original opinion.

Ray Barnwell has been deemed an expert witness in South Carolina General Sessions Court (high court) on several forensic science disciplines. As an expert witness, he is able to use his teaching experience to explain forensic science to a jury and convey his “expert opinion” in a clear and understandable manner. Ray has testified has provided expert testimony as a qualified expert in crime scene processing, fingerprints, and firearms. He also has experience testifying in Ohio, Georgia and Federal Courts.


Standard practice is that all findings are peer reviewed. FFS can serve as a peer review if desired by other examiners or legal entities.